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Panda Free Antivirus is a small-sized and very simple-to-use anti-malware application that resorts to cloud technology to rapidly find and prevent Trojans, worms, viruses, spyware, adware and other forms of malicious activity, without sacrificing PC performance. It has been warmly received by the user community in the past, and the latest edition offers a new look that blends with the Windows 8 Metro UI.
Speedy installation with third-party offers
The setup procedure takes little time to finish. However, users should be careful when going through the wizard stages, as Panda Free Antivirus offers to download and install third-party utilities that it does not actually need to work properly. By paying a little attention, they can be avoided. In addition, it automatically creates an entry into the Windows Explorer right-click menu, although this is not mentioned anywhere in the setup.
Metro UI look and powerful security measures
Faithful to the Metro UI appearance, the interface contains large colorful buttons in the main window which can be re-arranged, just like sorting app tiles in the Windows 8 Start Screen.
Statistics show the total files scanned and quarantined, along with blocked threats. Users may access the scanning module, monitor active processes for suspicious activity, deflect USB-based virus attacks, as well as create an emergency boot USB drive in case Windows refuses to start.
Statistics show the total files scanned and quarantined, along with blocked threats. Users may access the scanning module, monitor active processes for suspicious activity, deflect USB-based virus attacks, as well as create an emergency boot USB drive in case Windows refuses to start.
Various scanning modes and customization
Panda Free Antivirus can perform a full checkup on the computer for malware agents, verify only popular hiding areas in critical scan mode, look only into specific directories and drives, as well as quickly scan selected files, folders and drives via the Windows Explorer context menu.
Novices may apply the default configuration with optimized settings when performing scan jobs, while advanced users have the possibility of tinkering with this arrangement when it comes to compressed files, behavioral blocking, automatic virus neutralization, alerts, exclusions, and so on. The real-time guard can be deactivated at any time, while scans can be scheduled to run automatically.
Novices may apply the default configuration with optimized settings when performing scan jobs, while advanced users have the possibility of tinkering with this arrangement when it comes to compressed files, behavioral blocking, automatic virus neutralization, alerts, exclusions, and so on. The real-time guard can be deactivated at any time, while scans can be scheduled to run automatically.
Performance and conclusion
Our most recent tests have revealed that Panda Free Antivirus does an excellent job when it comes to identifying infected files while remaining light on system resources. However, it may take a very long time to get rid of them, depending on their volume. The way we see it is that regular users who do not usually explore the depths of the Internet will most likely be satisfied with Panda Free Antivirus, but the adventurers will probably turn their heads to something more reliable.
[免費] Panda Free Antivirus 熊貓防毒軟體
Panda Security 在 1990 年成立於西班牙,軟體名稱就叫 Panda,也就是熊貓。Panda 防毒軟體之前在台灣其實也有很大一群的愛用者,過去在一些防毒軟體的排名上還有不錯的成績。
該公司在原有的產品線之外,另外推出了一個「Panda Cloud Antivirus」免費防毒軟體(現改名 Panda Free Antivirus),套上了「雲端運算」的名號。雲端不雲端其實對使用者來說看不到也摸不到,大家比較在意的應該還是病毒偵測率、殺毒能力、是否誤判病毒、誤殺檔案以及防毒軟體的執行效能與系統的相容情況。
而這個雲端的 Panda Cloud Antivirus 則是以其 Collective Intelligence 技術將大部分的病毒檢測工作放在Panda的雲端伺服器中運作,大大減低了一般個人電腦的資源消耗與工作量,而且還不用頻繁的更新病毒碼,直接裝了就用。
第1步 安裝時可以先選擇操作界面的語系,不過很可惜目前新版軟體已經沒有繁體中文、簡體中文等語系。
第2步 按「ACCEPT and INSTALL」按鈕便可開始安裝。注意!千萬不要勾選按鈕下方的三個項目,不要安裝額外的工具列、不要讓軟體修改你的瀏覽器首頁與啟動頁面。
第3步 安裝好之後,程式會要求你輸入 Email 註冊一個帳號,不註冊也可以,請按「Select account later」開始使用。
第4步 這是 Panda Free Antivirus 版的新操作介面,所有功能都一塊一塊的擺放在面板上,很有 Windows 8 的風格。大部份會用到的功能就是按「Scan」手動掃描電腦中的病毒,或按上方「Protected」那一塊,看看目前病毒檢測結果。
第5步 點一下視窗下方的「Edit」按鈕,可以編輯功能區塊的位置與是否顯示。
第6步 病毒掃描畫面… 與其他操作、設定介面…